Glenfiddich 18 years Single malt scotch whisky 700ml
Glenfiddich 18 Year Old single malt Scotch whisky is ideal for a truly special occasion as it’s characterized by a remarkably rich aroma with ripe orchard fruit, baked apple and robust oak. The Small Batch Reserve is a remarkable expression aged for 18 years in Spanish Oloroso wood and American oak casks. These casks are then nurtured in small batches for a further three months, for a remarkably deep, rich and complex flavor. Best enjoyed neat, on the rocks, with a splash of water, or with club soda to expand the flavor.
Tasting Notes
Nose: A remarkably rich aroma with ripe orchard fruit, baked apple and robust oak.
Taste: Richly delivers luxurious dried fruit, candy peel and dates. Overlaid with elegant oak notes.
Finish: Warming, rewarding and distinguished.
ABV / Proof43% / 86