Wapping Gin 1000ml
London Dry Gin 38% ABV
Czech Republic
The recipe adheres to the tradition of London Dry Gin, which mandates the exclusive use of natural ingredients without the addition of flavors or colorants post-distillation. The botanicals used for the Wapping Gin include juniper, which provides that characteristic fresh and slightly spicy flavor, along with coriander, angelica root, lemon peel, and orange peel, which add complexity and depth to the aromatic bouquet.
On the palate, the Wapping London Dry Gin offers a perfect balance between the freshness of juniper and the citrusy and spicy notes that emerge subsequently. Its finish is clean and lingering, with a slight sweetness that balances the boldness of the spices.
On the palate, the Wapping London Dry Gin offers a perfect balance between the freshness of juniper and the citrusy and spicy notes that emerge subsequently. Its finish is clean and lingering, with a slight sweetness that balances the boldness of the spices.